Software Development Services
2019-01-07 19:45:54
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Category: Software Development Services

Laravel with Vue.js and environmental variables
Laravel with Vue.js and environmental variables. So basically, just add whatever environmental variable to your .env files with the prefix of MIX_
bởi LÊ VĂN PHÚ/2019-07-10 15:11:14/

What is Microservices? Understanding PHP Microservices
Microservice architecture, or simply microservices is a distinctive method of developing software systems that tries to focus on building single-function modules with well-defined interfaces and operations.
bởi LÊ VĂN PHÚ/2019-04-18 11:42:54/

GitHub: Announcing unlimited free private repositories
GitHub: Announcing unlimited free private repositories for welcome New year 2019.
bởi LÊ VĂN PHÚ/2019-01-08 12:49:00/